Photo Permission 2021 - 2022 During the 2020 - 2021 session your child may have their photograph taken and/or video footage shot whilst working in the Dance School, on excursions or during performances. These shots and footage may well be used to publicise the school on social media, our website, newspapers, online news sites or television. Note: Your child will not be named in any material used, unless we have asked specific permission from you.Name of pupil* Known As Last Parent email address* Enter Email Confirm Email Permission*I give permission for photographs and films of my child to be taken.I do NOT give permission for photographs and films of my child to be taken.Select as appropriate Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY Data Protection* I understand that information provided on this form will be stored according to the Dance School's obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018.Further commentsPlease use this field if you wish to make any further comments in relation to this form. Δ